Thursday, December 18, 2014

oh the waiting, but oh the blessing

Joshua 14

"So the land was distributed in strict accordance with the Lord's commands to Moses" 14:5

Joshua continued to follow the instructions from the Lord on dividing the land that had been conquered. He followed the Lord's commands precisely. He didn't "almost" do anything, he did everything exactly as he was told. When we think "almost" is close enough, we are really just following God's word until it gets hard, then we ignore the rest and completely miss the mark. God is looking for people, like Joshua, who obey AND follow through precisely.

Partial obedience is still disobedience.

"My companions who went with me discouraged the people, but I stuck to my guns, totally with God. That was the day Moses solemnly promised, 'The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance, you and your children's, forever. You have lived totally for God.' Now look at me: God has kept me a live, as he promised." 14:8-9

Caleb was faithful all his life. Remember - he was one of the first to cross the Jordan and scout out what was on the other side - he got to see the Promised Land before anyone else! Because he was chosen, faithful, honest, and committed, God promised him a personal inheritance of the land, even though he had to wait 45 years to receive it. During these 45 years, I wonder how many times he was tempted to stop believing and waiting for it. How many times he doubted that God would really fulfill that promise to him. How many times he wanted to go off and find his own land. But, he remained unwavering. He remained faithful to serve the Lord and wait on the promise. He remained solid, strong and secure in the heart of God.

"So Joshua blessed Caleb and gave to him his portion of the land." 14:13

This. Promise. Fulfilled. 45 years later.

Caleb knew it was worth waiting for, even though that wait was long and tiring and often so discouraging.

I have my own list of things the Lord has promised me, that I am waiting for.

I also have a list of things that he promised me, that He has already fulfilled.

No ear heard, no eye seen, a God like you
who works for those who wait for him

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

our role, his glory

Joshua 13

"When Joshua had reached a venerable age, God said to him, 'You've had a good, long life, but there is a lot of land still to be taken." 13:1

Joshua was somewhere between the ages of 85 and 100 at this point, yet the Lord was still using him to do work for the kingdom. He had a life that equipped him with wisdom and experience to continue serving God. As a believer, we are never allowed to "retire" from serving the Lord, and age does not disqualify us from being an effective leader and servant. I pray that if I live to be 85 or 100, God will still be using me to bring lost people to Him. I hope my last day serving Him on earth is spent being exhausted from loving other people for His glory and that He will say to me "you have had a good life."

"I myself will drive them out before the People of Israel. All you have to do is allot this land to Israel as an inheritance, as I have, instructed you. Do it now. Allot this land as an inheritance to the nine tribes and the half-tribe of Manasseh." 13:6-7

Joshua knew his time was coming to an end on earth, but he was not going to stop fighting for the entire Promised Land. The beauty of what God said to him is: I will do the hard work, you just get to play a part in it. There was much more land yet to be conquered, but God planned ahead (doesn't He always) to include the division of each tribe within it. God's desire was that the whole land would be conquered for Him. He knows the future, and already knows the victories that are ahead of us. Yet, they still had to fight for them. He goes ahead of us and does all the work, we just get to be part of the victory.

I read this and it has rested deeply in my heart:

What are your unconquered lands? They may be overseas missionary territories, new languages in which to translate the Bible, new missionary areas in your neighborhood, groups that need redemptive work, unchallenged ethical issues, unconfessed sin in your life, or underdeveloped talents and resources. What territory has God give you to conquer? Our inheritance will be a new heaven and earth, if we fulfill the mission God has given us to do.

Something we say downtown is, "We don't have to, we GET to." God doesn't force us to do anything, He lets us choose, and when we choose to fight with Him, it is the biggest honor we could ever receive.

This is one of the beautiful young ladies I GET to walk through life with. We had a birthday dinner for her Friday night to celebrate her turning 14. It is a joy and honor to be a part of she and her families life. And we don't call her "Precious" for no reason!

Friday, December 5, 2014

a picture of victory

Joshua 12

"In all, thirty-one kings were defeated."

After the 7 years following the crossing of the Jordan, this is where Joshua ended up - with victory over the entire region. He conquered a land span that included 31 kings and kingdoms. His patient, brilliant, strategic plan all came from the Lord. Every victory was a result of obedience His King.

As I read through this and studied the map of the territory, I saw the map of Midtown in my mind. I placed the two maps side by side and was in awe of how similar they were to each other. More so than that, I realized that there were 31 streets in the Midtown borders. Now, I don't know if anyone else in the world would consider this, or even think about these things, but the Lord made them apparent to me for a reason!

Joshua covered the entire region in 7 (number of completion, perfection) years - 31 kings. A lot of land, a lot of people. That victory he received came from defeating the armies of his enemies. God is calling me to cover this same number of streets, and if it takes me 7 years to defeat every army (remember we are fighting a spiritual war) of the enemy up and down all these streets, I will stand that ground with great honor fight to completion.

I have met and started building relationships with people on just about every street in Midtown. Every week I meet someone new, on a new street. I am so ready to see this house completed so I can live in the middle of this battle ground and have more intentional time covering these 31 streets!

Monday, December 1, 2014

waiting and resting

Joshua 11

"Joshua killed all the kings of those territories, waging war for a long time to accomplish this." 11:18

This one verse has been marinating within me for quite some time. When I read about the Lord's conquest over much of Canaan, it seems to have happened pretty fast - I can read about it in 10 minutes! But reality is, it took Joshua SEVEN years to accomplish this much victory.

I like quick changes. I like to see progress. I like things to happen on my time. But our journey through this process is a lifelong process. It is easy to grow impatient with God and feel like giving up, or moving on without him, because we think He is moving to slow. Truth is, we should always be walking one step behind Him. When we are close to a situation, it is difficult to see progress, but when we look back on the other side, we can see that God never stopped walking ahead.

If Joshua had given up or decided he would try to do it his way instead, he would have missed every little thing the Lord had for him along the way. It is easy to focus so much on the big promise, that you miss all the other promises right in front of you that He has, right now.

"So Joshua took control of the entire land, just as the Lord had instructed Moses. He gave it to the people of Israel as their special possession, dividing the land among the tribes. So the land finally had rest from war." 11:23

Joshua waited on the Lord for every thing. He stayed one step behind the Lord through the entire journey. How did that end for him?

So the land finally had rest from war.

The Lord is constantly teaching me to wait, rest, learn. Waiting not just for things to happen that I am praying for, but waiting on Him to speak to me, teach me, lead me. As I sit with Him and wait, I know that rest will come.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

the long day

Joshua 10

"So these five Amorite kings combined their armies for a united attack. They moved all their troops into place and attacked Gibeon." 10:5

Word was getting around about the victories Joshua was receiving through the Lord. These kings thought they could attack and conquer man. But they weren't fighting against man, they were fighting against the Lords army!

"So Joshua and his entire army, including his best warriors, left Gilgal and set out for Gibeon. 'Don't give them a second thought, I've put them under your thumb - not one of them will stand up to you.'" 10:7

Before the kings and their army even got in range of Joshua, God was already encouraging him that the victory was there. What they couldn't see in the earthly world, God was ahead of them in the spirit fighting.

"The day God gave the Amorites up to Israel, Joshua spoke to God with all of Israel listening":
Stop sun....Halt moon
and the sun stopped.....the moon stood still
until he defeated his enemies.

Joshua asked boldly for something impossible. He had never seen something like this happen before. But he knew it would help them gain their victory, so he asked with confidence that God would work a miracle. And He did. We have to pray big - believing that what we have never seen the Lord do, can be done. And Joshua spoke this out for all of Israel to hear. If he kept this prayer to himself, then Israel would not have heard it, and then they would not have seen God make it happen! Ask God for the impossible, then speak it out so others can see the miracle unfold with you.

"Joshua took the whole country: hills, desert, foothills, and mountain slopes, including all the kings. He left no survivors. He carried out the holy curse on everything that breathed, just as God had commanded. Joshua's conquest stretched across the entire region. He took all these kings and their lands in a single campaign because God fought for Israel." 10:40-42

God promised defeat over the enemies that were attacking. And He fulfilled His promise. He always does.

We are fighting in the same battle that Joshua was in. Maybe our enemies look a little different, or come from a different place and with different battle plans, but the war is real. The leader of the army fighting against you is right now scheming a plan to attack. But, the Lord is saying, just as He did to Joshua, "Hey, I got this. Don't be afraid - I have given you victory over them. Not a single one of them will be able to stand up to you!"

And in the midst of a miracle, God shows out with an even bigger miracle. He literally made the sun and moon stop! 5 kings with 5 kingdoms - wiped out in 1 day. Think of all that the Lord can do in your life in 1 day. Our God is big, and He loves to do big things for us, impossible things.

Monday, November 17, 2014

update on the house

Life has been quite the whirlwind since I first shared about moving the midtown. I moved from wwgo, and this is my first week to not travel since then (9 weeks ago!). Working full time that requires travel, two international mission trips and a few adventures with my family, I am so glad to be in the same place for a little bit, and more so, excited to finally start working on the house!

People keep asking me "have you moved in the house yet?" If you are one of those people and I give you a stare back that says "are you crazy, have you seen it?" then I apologize. I tend to let everything I am thinking show on my face, and sometimes come out of my mouth. I have not moved in the house yet. Actually, it may be a few months before I am able to do so. There is so much to be done. So much. I go in and just pray. Really, that is all I know to do right now.

The Lord is so good. Better to me (and all of us) than I (we) deserve.

He told me to pray believe for the provision to buy the house - check.

He told me to pray and believe Him for a roof - check.

Now He is telling me to pray and believe for the right person to help me get started with all of the work - soon to be check.

In light of all this, there are so many beautiful things that have happened along the way. I have been able to spend more time with my sweet neighbors. Each time I stop by I get to share with them all that the Lord is doing, and they love to hear about it! I am constantly meeting more people that live in Midtown. I am meeting more people that have a heart for the area and join me in praying for it all. And, the Lord is working so many things within me out, that I didn't even know were rooted down in me. That in itself has been one of the best things.

I hated driving up to the house and seeing it boarded up. Last Friday we took all of the boards off! It needs to start airing out, after being boarded up for many years, and more so - I wanted some light to shine in there. Isn't that what the Lord expects of us too? It was a fun time watching one of my favorite brothers take those boards off. If you know WWGO, then you know Big Pat (Patrick), and then you know how much we love him. What a joy to see him free and able to do this for me!

So for now I forge on. I do what the Lord has told me to do - pray and believe for the right hands to help me with the work.

That’s plain enough, isn’t it? You’re no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You’re no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He’s using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he’s using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home. Ephesians 2:19 - 22

Thursday, November 13, 2014

deceit v/s discernment

Joshua 9

"The men of Israel looked them over and accepted the evidence. But they didn't ask God about it." 9:14

My very first week of living at We Will Go (almost 4 years ago), I learned a very valuable lesson. It was an early Monday morning knock on the door. That in itself was so new to me. I opened the door and there stood Big Kenneth. I had not met him yet and was excited to put into practice what I was there to do. I was probably a little zealous and over eager to "fix someone". We sat and talked and he told me a sad story about how he had colon cancer and didn't have money for the bus to get to his chemo treatment for the day. His demeanor, his story and his plea broke my heart and I was overwhelmed with compassion for him. I didn't have any cash to give him for a bus ticket, but I offered to give him a ride to the hospital if he came back in a few hours. I remember giving him something to eat and then crying as I watched him walk down the sidewalk, me trying to figure out how to process this.

Fast forward a few hours later and I learned that everything he told me was a lie. He didn't have cancer, he didn't need a bus ticket, and he really wasn't even hungry for food. Big Kenneth was a regular around WWGO and he had deceived me into believing his story.

Two things I learned from this.
1 - Big Kenneth was hungry, but hungry for spiritual food. All these years he has knocked on a WWGO house door, all the times he keeps coming back, he knows he is loved there, he knows he is going to get prayed for, and he knows he will have life spoken over him.
2 - I acted based on my emotions and did not even consider asking the Lord what I should do. I let the enemy deceive me instead of using the gift of discernment the Father gave me. Had I stopped in the moment, asked the Lord how he wanted me to love Big Kenneth, and acted in obedience rather than emotion, things would have been so different. I don't know that Big Kenneth would have done anything different, but I would have and that is what pleases the Father.

Coming through a defeat, repentance, then a victory - Israel still had so much to learn about obeying God. Even Joshua, the great and mighty leader, was deceived by the enemy and had to learn his lesson. But that he did - he learned then walked in obedience to what he learned. By failing to seek the Lord in everything we are faced with, every decision we have to make - we forsake our trust in Him. But, when we learn the lessons from the past, we can avoid more trouble in the future.

I have carried the things I learned from Big Kenneth over into every facet of my life. Even the little things, I have to stop and ask the Lord "what do I do with this?" and rather than acting based on my emotions, or what seems like the right thing to do - I use those gifts God gave me and trust his judgment over mine.

Friday, November 7, 2014

victory after defeat

Joshua 8

Sin caused Israel to be defeated by Ai. Repentance and forgiveness opened Ai to be defeated by Israel.

After exposed sin in the camp halted the advancement of the army, Joshua had to stand in confidence that the order was to continue moving forward, even when it was hard. He took time to stop and listen to the Lord and choose to advance in the leadership the Lord had rooted deep within him.

"God said to Joshua, Don't be timid and don't so much as hesitate." 8:1

What I love about Joshua is that he wasn't proud. He was humble, obedient and flexible. God knew all that would be put in front of him when he hand picked Joshua to lead the people - remember all the times God said "be strong. be courageous." Here he is leading this mass of an army to go back and battle what had already defeated them once, yet instead of standing on a hill in the distance to watch, or sit in his tent feasting while others fought, he was there in the trenches with them.

"Joshua himself spent that night in the valley" 8:13

When the attack against the enemy started and the defeat was quickly beginning, he held on tight to the promise God gave him - literally. God gave Joshua the city that had defeated him the day before.

"For Joshua kept holding out his spear until everyone who lived in Ai was completely destroyed." 8:26

Yesterday's defeat became today's victory. When sin is dealt with in our lives, forgiveness and victory lie ahead. No matter what the setback may look like, we have to choose to get down in the trenches, fight for our victory, and hold tight to the promise God gives us.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Joshua 7

"God said to Joshua, “Get up. Why are you groveling? Israel has sinned: They’ve broken the covenant I commanded them; they’ve taken forbidden plunder—stolen and then covered up the theft, squirreling it away with their own stuff. The People of Israel can no longer look their enemies in the eye—they themselves are plunder. I can’t continue with you if you don’t rid yourselves of the cursed things. So get started. Purify the people. Tell them: Get ready for tomorrow by purifying yourselves. For this is what God, the God of Israel, says: There are cursed things in the camp. You won’t be able to face your enemies until you have gotten rid of these cursed things."

There is so much in this chapter. Rebellion. Greed. Pride. Anger. Hurt. Desperation. Sin.

He says he can't move us forward when we are full of sin. But, God can and will use us if we walk in repentance, forgiveness, healing, freedom and obedience.

I have been reading over this chapter for nearly 1 week, sitting with the Lord to let Him dissect each part of it for me. When the words started carving their way deep down into my heart, it took me back to the place I was in my life several years ago. Even though I am living in freedom from the sin that weighed me down, I am often reminding of that difficult place. I can let satan use those dark memories to discourage me, distract me, and deter me; or I can stand in confidence of the victory the Lord has placed over my life. I choose to stand.

So, standing next to the Lord today, I see that it took me getting rid of all the junk I had plundered from what He was giving me. The Lord set me up when I gave my life to him, to master and conquer all that would come against me. But, just like Achan, so many times I took advantage of the gifts, rather than being obedient to them. Oh the temptations that come our way. Every day I am faced with them, regardless of what they may look like, they are there. Every day I have to choose victory over them. Every day I could easily become like Achan. Every day God saves me from falling back into that place.

“God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.”
― Søren Kierkegaard, The Journals of Kierkegaard

Friday, October 17, 2014

look at what great things he has done

A few months ago I started a list of all the things that would have to be done on the house. The list grew rather quickly, and I grew overwhelmed rather quickly. My thoughts circled around: how the heck am I going to do all this, where do I even start, and the one that lingers still....I don't want to do all this by myself.

For several days I was stressed out, just looking at the list. I had a million ideas of what I wanted the house to look like, colors, furniture, etc...Letting my mind drift off to those places, I could not think about the tasks ahead of me for a few minutes. Early on in this journey, the Lord spoke to me one day and said "I paid your debt in full, I need you to believe I will pay this one in full too." That was a lot to digest and believe, but I said ok.

Here is the list I made. It may not overwhelm you, but me...

You can see that the first item on the list is $12,000 to buy the house. In my very first post about Moving to Midtown, I mentioned this as a prayer request.

Before I move ahead with this, I have to share about the shift in my heart the Lord did with "the list". My last Tuesday night as an intern at WWGO, during our family ministry time, we were writing down names of people to pray over them. I think there were close to 100 names that were written down on the big flip chart pages. We worshiped and prayed over each of these lives. During that time, the Lord spoke to me about the list I had made on the house. He said very clearly, "You have made a list of things, but you haven't even considered the people in Midtown. I can take care of all the things, I want you to pray over the people." I was again, overwhelmed, but in such a beautiful way. I grabbed my journal and started writing down names of souls. I started on the first street in Midtown and made my way clear to the last street, writing down the names of people on every street that I know.

This is what I have been praying over since then. All the things that have to be done on a house, are meaningless compared to the hearts and souls that are worthy of the love of Jesus. I will live in the house as is, if it means I get to witness people get saved, healed, freed, delivered and full of joy!

After this shift, things started happening. I had open access into more hearts, my overwhelming feelings faded, and the Lord provided in crazy ways.

In the length of one day = I said Yes to the Lord to invest fully in this home and with His people - whatever the cost would be. And then He provided $12,000 for me to buy the house. Not just that, He provided over that so that I can start working on it!

The mysteries of the works of the Lord will always amaze me. This is the word He gave that day, that confirmed His call to obey and move forward in faith.

Not for our sake, God, no, not for our sake,
but for your name’s sake, show your glory.
Do it on account of your merciful love,
do it on account of your faithful ways.
Psalm 115:1

You can see in the picture of the list that the very first item is checked off. I am looking forward to the day when every item on there is checked off, too.

But more than that, I look forward to the day when my list of lives in Midtown takes up a whole book and there is a big, fat check mark by each name that means they have been adopted into the Kingdom!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

a crazy perfect plan

Joshua 6

"God spoke to Joshua, “Look sharp now. I’ve already given Jericho to you, along with its king and its crack troops. Here’s what you are to do: March around the city, all your soldiers. Circle the city once. Repeat this for six days. Have seven priests carry seven ram’s horn trumpets in front of the Chest. On the seventh day march around the city seven times, the priests blowing away on the trumpets. And then, a long blast on the ram’s horn—when you hear that, all the people are to shout at the top of their lungs. The city wall will collapse at once. All the people are to enter, every man straight on in. So Joshua son of Nun called the priests and told them, “Take up the Chest of the Covenant. Seven priests are to carry seven ram’s horn trumpets leading God’s Chest.” Then he told the people, “Set out! March around the city. Have the armed guard march before the Chest of God.” And it happened. Joshua spoke, the people moved: Seven priests with their seven ram’s horn trumpets set out before God. They blew the trumpets, leading God’s Chest of the Covenant. The armed guard marched ahead of the trumpet-blowing priests; the rear guard was marching after the Chest, marching and blowing their trumpets. Joshua had given orders to the people, “Don’t shout. In fact, don’t even speak—not so much as a whisper until you hear me say, ‘Shout!’—then shout away!”

That was the plan? March around the city walls, in complete silence for 7 days, then on the 7th day, do it 7 times? Seems comical in a lot of ways. Only God could design a strategic plan like this.

The number 7 means - perfection, or completion. Of course God would require 7 priest, 7 trumpets, for 7 laps and 7 days. His plan is always perfect, even if it seems crazy.

How many of those marching were thinking, "I can't believe we are doing this. This is so crazy. Do you think this will really work?" But that was it. God's plan for victory. Simple. Unconventional. Out of the norm. Perfect.

Joshua had already seen God do so many miracles, walked through other crazy acts of obedience, and trusted everything God told him to do, so this was becoming normal to him. I am sure Joshua did have some hesitating thoughts about what God told him to do, but his desire to please God was way greater then his desire to avoid defeat or suffering. Remember what God told Joshua at the beginning of his journey? "Be strong and courageous." It doesn't matter what the crazy thing God asks you to do looks like - it could be something like "Hey - call that person - buy this person a cup of coffee - go to this place - adopt this child - move to the most dangerous place in the world - give this money to them - stop and pray for them - move to Midtown." How do you know it is from God? Well, Jesus said "actions speak louder than words. You don’t believe because you’re not my sheep. My sheep recognize my voice. I know them, and they follow me."

People talk about being "radical" or having "radical obedience", but really, obedience shouldn't be radical, it should be normal. Saying YES to each thing God asks of you, that is what we were made for.
"The priests blew the trumpets. When the people heard the blast of the trumpets, they gave a thunderclap shout. The wall fell at once. The people rushed straight into the city and took it."

Thursday, October 2, 2014

not fighting alone

Joshua 5

"And then this, while Joshua was there near Jericho: He looked up and saw right in front of him a man standing, holding his drawn sword. Joshua stepped up to him and said, “Whose side are you on—ours or our enemies’?” He said, “Neither. I’m commander of God’s army. I’ve just arrived.” Joshua fell, face to the ground, and worshiped. He asked, “What orders does my Master have for his servant?” God’s army commander ordered Joshua, “Take your sandals off your feet. The place you are standing is holy.”

Joshua did it.

I travel quite a lot for my job, and for the occasional trip out of the country. This week I was sitting in my seat on a flight from Atlanta to North Carolina and watching from the window as a plane landed and made it's way down the tarmac to the gate. We were a little delayed so I didn't have much else to do. I have seen this a million times, but something about this particular time had my attention.

There were about six people with the lighted orange sticks guiding the plane to where it needed to stop. Others came out and put the stoppers under each wheel so it didn't roll once in position. One man was pulling the fuel line out and connecting it to refuel. Several came riding up on the carts to unload luggage, then more can to load luggage. A car with the drinks and snacks came to make sure it was stocked for the next flight. The pilots walked around the plane inspecting it. I could see people inside cleaning. And the most extravagant of all - the one who had to clean out the bathrooms! All of this was happening at the same time. Since my flight was delayed, I sat and watched as all of this happened and the plane was boarded and left the gate - all within 30 minutes.

Sitting there seeing all of this, the Lord used it to make what I had read in Joshua 5 earlier that morning become real.

When Joshua saw the Commander of God's Army, he realized that he was not fighting alone. God's army of angels was already ahead of all of Israel, fighting in the spirit, preparing the way, getting God's people ready to cross over into the Promised Land. Most of the victory happened before Joshua ever stood on the front line of battle, and was not anything that could be seen with human eyes.

Exodus 14:14 "God will fight the battle for you."

All the times we get on and off planes, we never realize what all goes into preparing it for us. If all of those that have a hand in getting that plane ready for it to take us where we need to go were not there, then what?

The Lord and His army are that for us in this spiritual battle we fight. To know that God's army is fighting ahead of you, and for you right this minute, even though you can't see it with your human eyes. Victory is happening all around you in the spirit. What a beautiful gift of protection we have over us. What else can we do but fall on our face and worship in response to that!

Monday, September 29, 2014

sweet maria in portugal

I had the amazing honor and opportunity to travel to Portugal a few weeks ago. What a gift that was! I am continually amazed at the places the Lord lets me set my feet on.

On our last day in country, we got to see Lisbon. It is a beautiful city and full of culture, diverse people and thick Catholicism. I really wanted to see the main Cathedral in the city before we left. As we rounded the corner to the entrance, the first thing my eyes saw was an elderly woman sitting down on the steps. She was obviously crippled, as her feet were folded under her long black crinkled skirt, and there was a crutch next to her. She was holding a cup for people to put money in, and she kept saying to everyone that passed by "you are beautiful. you are beautiful." It seemed that was the only English she knew, or the only thing she could muster up to say from where she was folded down.

We walked right past her too.

As I was walking through the Cathedral, seeing the ornate gold decorations from one end to the other, my heart kept drawing back to this lady. I sat down on a pew in the back of the hall and looked straight ahead to the front, seeing every detail of this massive church. The Lord so sweetly whispered to me, "All of this is beautiful, but she is more beautiful to me than any of this. I am more enthralled with her than this place."

I couldn't walk past her on the way out.

The Lord gave to me His sweet words to speak over her from Acts 3, and I knew we had to share them with her. I was not suprised that He wanted us to read these words over her, as the only words she knew to say were "you are beautiful", and that was the very name of the gate where Peter and John met their friend! How BEAUTIFUL that was!

"One day at three o’clock in the afternoon, Peter and John were on their way into the Temple for prayer meeting. At the same time there was a man crippled from birth being carried up. Every day he was set down at the Temple gate, the one named Beautiful, to beg from those going into the Temple. When he saw Peter and John about to enter the Temple, he asked for a handout. Peter, with John at his side, looked him straight in the eye and said, “Look here.” He looked up, expecting to get something from them. Peter said, “I don’t have a nickel to my name, but what I do have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!” He grabbed him by the right hand and pulled him up. In an instant his feet and ankles became firm. He jumped to his feet and walked. The man went into the Temple with them, walking back and forth, dancing and praising God. Everybody there saw him walking around and praising God. They recognized him as the one who sat begging at the Temple’s Gate Beautiful and rubbed their eyes, astonished, scarcely believing what they were seeing. The man threw his arms around Peter and John, ecstatic. All the people ran up to where they were at Solomon’s Porch to see it for themselves."

I called my friends that were with me together and shared with them what the Lord was saying. We sat there in that place together and prayed and then got up, walked outside to her, sat down on the steps with her and loved on her.

She was able to share with us that her name was Maria, because she did speak a little Spanish. She smiled the biggest smile I had seen all week in this country, with missing and rotted out teeth that made my heart so full!

As we spoke the very words over her that Peter spoke, we were believing that she would get up and walk! I've learned to always be expectant of a miracle. Even though she didn't, we were so full of love in that moment, knowing that the Lord let us be a part of Maria's little world that day. We all walked away from this beautiful lady knowing that the Lord was healing the inside of her. Letting her know she was valuable, loved, worth more than begging on steps, and she was beautiful in His eyes.

And then, there is always the miracle the Lord does inside of us when we are part of what He is doing......

Saturday, September 27, 2014

never forget God's goodness

Joshua 4

"When the whole nation was finally across, God spoke to Joshua: “Select twelve men from the people, a man from each tribe, and tell them, ‘From right here, the middle of the Jordan where the feet of the priests are standing firm, take twelve stones. Carry them across with you and set them down in the place where you camp tonight.’” Joshua called out the twelve men whom he selected from the People of Israel, one man from each tribe. Joshua directed them, “Cross to the middle of the Jordan and take your place in front of the Chest of God, your God. Each of you heft a stone to your shoulder, a stone for each of the tribes of the People of Israel, so you’ll have something later to mark the occasion. When your children ask you, ‘What are these stones to you?’ you’ll say, ‘The flow of the Jordan was stopped in front of the Chest of the Covenant of God as it crossed the Jordan—stopped in its tracks. These stones are a permanent memorial for the People of Israel.’” “Yes, God, your God, dried up the Jordan’s waters for you until you had crossed, just as God, your God, did at the Red Sea, which had dried up before us until we had crossed. This was so that everybody on earth would recognize how strong God’s rescuing hand is and so that you would hold God in solemn reverence always.”

There are many things in my life I try to forget, things that I did before I knew the Lord. But there is so much goodness that the Lord has let me experience, be a part of and lavish on me, that I never want to forget. Moments that I want to freeze in my heart and memory so I can remember every detail of them.

Way before Joshua was a part of this miracle and God's people got to experience this moment, the Lord gave a word to Moses about never forgetting His goodness over them, and this is still for us too (Deuteronomy 8):

"Keep and live out the entire commandment that I’m commanding you today so that you’ll live and prosper and enter and own the land that God promised to your ancestors. Remember every road that God led you on for those forty years in the wilderness, pushing you to your limits, testing you so that he would know what you were made of, whether you would keep his commandments or not. He put you through hard times. He made you go hungry. Then he fed you with manna, something neither you nor your parents knew anything about, so you would learn that men and women don’t live by bread only; we live by every word that comes from God’s mouth. Your clothes didn’t wear out and your feet didn’t blister those forty years. You learned deep in your heart that God disciplines you in the same ways a father disciplines his child.

So it’s paramount that you keep the commandments of God, your God, walk down the roads he shows you and reverently respect him. God is about to bring you into a good land, a land with brooks and rivers, springs and lakes, streams out of the hills and through the valleys. It’s a land of wheat and barley, of vines and figs and pomegranates, of olives, oil, and honey. It’s land where you’ll never go hungry—always food on the table and a roof over your head. It’s a land where you’ll get iron out of rocks and mine copper from the hills.

Make sure you don’t forget God, your God, by not keeping his commandments, his rules and regulations that I command you today. Make sure that when you eat and are satisfied, build pleasant houses and settle in, see your herds and flocks flourish and more and more money come in, watch your standard of living going up and up—make sure you don’t become so full of yourself and your things that you forget God, your God,

the God who delivered you from Egyptian slavery;
the God who led you through that huge and fearsome wilderness,
those desolate, arid badlands crawling with fiery snakes and scorpions;
the God who gave you water gushing from hard rock;
the God who gave you manna to eat in the wilderness, something your ancestors had never heard of, in order to give you a taste of the hard life, to test you so that you would be prepared to live well in the days ahead of you."

The Lord brings us through so much, delivers us, frees us, redeems us - how could we ever forget how He loves us! It is easy to take God's love and protection for granted. How often do we neglect that our car gets us where we need to go, our clothes don't rip and we have an over abundance of shoes that keep our feet from swelling and blistering. Even God's chosen people failed to notice all of this during their 40 years of provision. They didn't take notice to even say "Thank you" to the Lord.

I know I am grateful for moments, but I am going to be even more grateful for His tangible provisions too, for those are extra gifts He gives us, just because he loves us and can.

This is what I am most grateful for today. A beautiful house that the Lord has provided for me to live in and love people from. And He gave me a sweet gift right out front!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

moving forward with feet in the water

Joshua 3

"Then Joshua addressed the People of Israel: “Attention! Listen to what God, your God, has to say. This is how you’ll know that God is alive among you - he will completely dispossess before you the Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites, and Jebusites. Look at what’s before you: the Chest of the Covenant. Think of it - the Master of the entire earth is crossing the Jordan as you watch. Now take twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one man from each tribe. When the soles of the feet of the priests carrying the Chest of God, Master of all the earth, touch the Jordan’s water, the flow of water will be stopped - the water coming from upstream will pile up in a heap. And that’s what happened. The people left their tents to cross the Jordan, led by the priests carrying the Chest of the Covenant. When the priests got to the Jordan and their feet touched the water at the edge (the Jordan overflows its banks throughout the harvest), the flow of water stopped. It piled up in a heap - a long way off - at Adam, which is near Zarethan. The river went dry all the way down to the Arabah Sea (the Salt Sea). And the people crossed, facing Jericho."

The Israelites were ready to enter the Promised Land, but first they had to cross the Jordan River, and God gave them specific instructions on how to do so. Step 1 - the priest had to put their feet in the water. What if the priest had been afraid to take that first step? So often God provides no solution for us until we trust him and move forward with what we know we should do.

We will never walk in victory until we are willing to step out in faith, get our feet wet, and trust God to do the rest. If we hesitate with the instructions God has given us, if we refuse to step out in obedience, then we are limiting the blessings that God has for us.

Yesterday I put my feet in the water. In 4 hours, with the help of some amazing servants, all the demo was done on the house. I don't even own the house yet, but God said to move forward in faith, so I did. I was overwhelmed, humbled, and grateful for everything that happened yesterday.

And this is where the promise is beginning to be fulfilled.

"Not for our sake, God, but for your name's sake, show your glory. Do it on account of your merciful love, do it on account of your faithful ways." Psalm 115:1 - 2

Monday, September 8, 2014

full of fault. full of faith

Joshua 2

"The woman had taken the two men and hidden them. She said, “Yes, two men did come to me, but I didn’t know where they’d come from. At dark, when the gate was about to be shut, the men left. But I have no idea where they went. Hurry up! Chase them—you can still catch them!” (She had actually taken them up on the roof and hidden them under the stalks of flax that were spread out for her on the roof.) So the men set chase down the Jordan road toward the fords. As soon as they were gone, the gate was shut. Before the spies were down for the night, the woman came up to them on the roof and said, “I know that God has given you the land. We’re all afraid. Everyone in the country feels hopeless. We heard how God dried up the waters of the Red Sea before you when you left Egypt, and what he did to the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom you put under a holy curse and destroyed. We heard it and our hearts sank. We all had the wind knocked out of us. And all because of you, you and God, your God, God of the heavens above and God of the earth below. “Now promise me by God. I showed you mercy; now show my family mercy. And give me some tangible proof, a guarantee of life for my father and mother, my brothers and sisters—everyone connected with my family. Save our souls from death!”

I just finished reading a fictional book on the life story of Rahab. While it is not all accurate (not recorded in scripture) it gave me great insight into what her life might have been like.

She trusted a God she had never known, never seen, never understood. She was set apart by Him to be a part of a miracle, even when her life didn't reflect what the world would say could be used as such. She let the borders of her trust be torn down and it opened up limitless space for God to love her.

A life that was full of every fault in the world, even though she lived in a wretched, sinful place - she was still considered "one of those people." Yet, God prepared her heart for things unknown to her, and she didn't understand those things until she was obedient to His spirit in her. God used a lost child of his to bring victory to a whole nation that did know Him. That's His heart.

As I was praying through what the Lord taught me through the scripture, and what insight I was given into her life, I thought of the song "Oceans." It is a pure picture of her life. How faithful she was, even in her faults. When I think I have reached a place of intimacy with the Lord, I am quickly reminded there is so much more to the depths of the Fathers heart, and I am no where close.

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now

So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

be strong. be courageous.

Joshua 1

After the death of Moses the servant of God, God spoke to Joshua, Moses’ assistant:

“Moses my servant is dead. Get going. Cross this Jordan River, you and all the people. Cross to the country I’m giving to the People of Israel. I’m giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on—just as I promised Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon east to the Great River, the Euphrates River—all the Hittite country—and then west to the Great Sea. It’s all yours. All your life, no one will be able to hold out against you. In the same way I was with Moses, I’ll be with you. I won’t give up on you; I won’t leave you. Strength! Courage! You are going to lead this people to inherit the land that I promised to give their ancestors. Give it everything you have, heart and soul. Make sure you carry out The Revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don’t get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure you get to where you’re going. And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.”

Then Joshua gave orders to the people’s leaders: “Go through the camp and give this order to the people: ‘Pack your bags. In three days you will cross this Jordan River to enter and take the land God, your God, is giving you to possess.’”

Then Joshua addressed the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh. He said, “Remember what Moses the servant of God commanded you: God, your God, gives you rest and he gives you this land. Your wives, your children, and your livestock can stay here east of the Jordan, the country Moses gave you; but you, tough soldiers all, must cross the River in battle formation, leading your brothers, helping them until God, your God, gives your brothers a place of rest just as he has done for you. They also will take possession of the land that God, your God, is giving them. Then you will be free to return to your possession, given to you by Moses the servant of God, across the Jordan to the east.”

They answered Joshua: “Everything you commanded us, we’ll do. Wherever you send us, we’ll go. We obeyed Moses to the letter; we’ll also obey you—we just pray that God, your God, will be with you as he was with Moses. Anyone who questions what you say and refuses to obey whatever you command him will be put to death. Strength! Courage!”

4 times the Lord tells Joshua - be strong. be courageous. The Lord could see things ahead of Joshua that he would face. Things that would tempt him to quit, back down, lose strength. When we are moving forward in faith, we have to trust that the Lord knows what is ahead. With his promise on the other side, being strong through the difficult things, and being courageous through the temptations, we are sure to see His promise fulfilled.

What may look like a road going to nowhere - this is the place we learn to trust Him more. Our eyes are open only to see what He created, what He crafted for us to experience, and what He wants to give us in the moment. When we run with our eyes and heart open to Him, the road becomes more beautiful and our strength and courage become more aligned with Him.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fun Facts about Midtown

Many people don't know where Midtown is, or what area is included within it's borders.

Here is a beautiful map of the area. The borders are: West Street > Woodrow Wilson > Mill Street > Fortification

There are close to 2,000 residents in the Midtown area.

Medium Household Income is $20,000.

The average person in Midtown is classified as:
"Urban single parents. These single parents are making ends meet with moderate income. Some went on to college, while others finished high school or lower. Most work in service, management, or professional occupations."

Schools are: Midtown Head Start, Brown Elementary, Rowan Middle School and all feed into Lanier High School.

I recently found this article that was published in the Jackson Free Press in December of 2013. Just to give you some perspective of the area, and what it is becoming.

A North Midtown Miracle
By Brett Potter Wednesday, December 15, 2004

What do you think of when you drive through North Midtown—the area between West and Mill streets and Woodrow Wilson and Fortification? In past years, you might have thought only of danger—that the neighborhood was one of those places where you double-check your car door locks and watch anxiously in your rear-view mirror at stoplights. Today, however, North Midtown is a family-oriented neighborhood just like other respected communities in Jackson. It's a place where mothers let their children play outside, and the elderly sit out on the front porch just taking in the world.

But getting to that place was not easy.

Ten years ago, drug trafficking and loud noise filled the streets of North Midtown. Crack addicts clustered in the many rundown, boarded-up "shotgun" houses. Today, most of the drug problems are gone. Although some problems linger, just like in other neighborhoods, the current levels are nowhere near what they used to be. If you look around today, you can see well over a hundred newly painted, three-bedroom Habitat for Humanity homes sitting right where those crack houses once were. North Midtown is turning itself around.

Althea Collier and her husband, Kenneth Collier, who now live at 335 Duncan Ave., were some of the people who helped stem the tide of the neighborhood's drug problem. The intersection of Blair and Roosevelt streets is where the tumor of drug problem was in darker times. The Colliers, though, were determined to see their community fix the problem; they joined many residents to have "sit-outs" against drugs and violence in the area.

I made a promise to myself that (after) seeing everything that happened on Roosevelt, I would help," Althea Collier says. "When the opportunity came for me to do my part, it was truly a blessing. Maurice Canard and my husband went from door to door, and then they met with City Councilwoman Margaret Barrett and decided to make signs and clean up all the trash out in the streets."

Collier describes the past: "There used to be gunshots all the time. People were hungry in the streets. The thing that opened my eyes was when I saw my kids walk through those same streets on their way to school. It was the fear of seeing my children get hurt."

The area was one of Jackson's worst hotbeds for drug activity before the neighborhood banded together. "I bet 90 percent of the calls to the police were from the Roosevelt/Blair area, but when they came you never knew what was going to happen. Back then, I would see an armed policeman running after a bare-footed man on the sidewalk, or once a man had run through our house trying to run from the cops." Collier says.

'Thank You, Lord'

Today, Dorothy Jones lives at 212 Roosevelt, and she, too, was a witness to all the changes in this area. Jones was born in 1952 at 1535 Blair St., and she has lived here all of her life.

"I remember all those juke joints and hole-in-the-wall places where they used to sell all the drugs, but those came down when Habitat for Humanity came in here," she says. Her street used to be a dead-end gravel road. "Then, Habitat came in and they [along with North Midtown CDC and the City] bought some of the lots and put houses on both sides, and I said 'Hallelujah, thank you, Lord.'"

Today, Jones says: "I can sleep with my front door open and the screened door unlatched if I want. I can sit on my front porch and watch neighbors take out each other's garbage and mow each other's lawns in this very neighborhood that used to be so bad."

Between Jones' house and the corner, there used to be seven houses crammed next to each other. Now, there are only two normal-sized houses there.

The neighborhood even has a new name. Since it began in the 1950s, the region was known as the Factory Hill Subdivision; however, it was recently renamed North Midtown when the community decided to turn around and put a new face on itself.

Help, and Be Helped

Dorothy Jones and her daughter Amberia have been very active in the turn-around. In fact, they live in a Habitat for Humanity house themselves. Jones recalls that when she moved, "I left all my old roach-infested furniture over there in my old house. After moving into the Habitat House, I got a financial blessing, and I got new furniture. It was wonderful. From this I have learned that you help other people, and they will help you."

Jones says she realizes that some of the problems will always be there—just like any other inner-city neighborhood, but she is willing to take a leadership role and make a change. She and many other residents are working to help improve things today, especially for the schools. Jones says she is always attending meetings and learning new ways to help through North Midtown Community Development Corporation. She also asserts "With the help of good Rev. Willy Varnado, if someone slips through the cracks at school, we'll try and get them at the church. We are all working together to make things better."

Like Jones, the community as a whole is banding together to improve their schools. The area has two schools—Brown Elementary and Rowan Middle School, which feed Lanier High School, Murrah High School and Bailey High School. M.C. Burkes, director of the North Midtown Community Development Corp., says: "The residents and families are not satisfied with the schools in this area, but we are working on it. Currently, both of our schools here are a Level 2, but our goal is to get to Level 5." They are referring to the achievement label required to be placed on the schools by the federal "No Child Left Behind" act, based on their students' yearly improvement in test scores.

According to the Mississippi Accountability System, a Level 2 School is one that is underperforming, failing to meet growth expectations and achievements. "There is no reason why our schools can't be a Level 5, too," Dorothy Young says. Brown is improving, though. This year, it met the federal "adequate yearly progress" requirements for reading and math.

Developing Community

The North Midtown CDC (Community Development Corp.) is working to improve the education levels in the neighborhood. The nonprofit organization seeks to redevelop Midtown through housing restoration, education, improved quality of life and economic development. They have a GED Center where adults can get tutoring, learn how to make a resume, fill out job applications properly and learn computer skills that are helpful in the job market.

North Midtown CDC also has an Enrichment Center at 215 McTyere Ave that helps about 50 children each afternoon. They offer tutorial services and teach manners and behavior modification, while the kids have fun playing together. Burkes says the program is working so well for the children that they haven't had a fight there in over two years, when all you used to see the kids do is fight. The kids can get help at the Enrichment labs for math, science, reading and computers.

M.C. Burkes has lived in this neighborhood for nine years. Today, he happily resides at 311 Alexander St. When asked about the area's history, he replies, "At one time, it was very vibrant. Look at the houses. People could afford very nice houses a long time ago."

A Segregated Past

Burkes is right. Observing the architecture there, one will notice that from McTyere Avenue to Woodrow Wilson, almost all the houses are brick. However, from Livingston Street to Fortification, most of the older homes have wooden frames and wood siding.

Why is this? Like every other place in Jackson prior to the Civil Rights Movement, North Midtown was fairly segregated. The white people lived mainly where the brick houses are today and from Lamar Street eastward. The blacks lived where most of the wood-siding houses are today in the southwestern corner of the neighborhood. Ironically, Lamar, the street separating the sections, used to be called Greyson Street. (white+black=grey).

So what happened to this vibrant place of the '50s? "It was white flight and neglect from the city," Burkes says. "Absentee landlords are milking property for all it is worth, while providing no maintenance for their tenants. That is why many of the houses were run-down."

Fortunately, help was on the way. Today Habitat for Humanity is building new homes all over North Midtown. There are around 180 Habitat Homes in the area. In fact, two are now being built on McTyere Avenue and Millsaps Avenue. These homes have changed the lives of many families.

When asked why he lives in North Midtown now, Burkes replies: "I would have to say convenience, because we are very near downtown. Some other advantages are that we live less than a mile from three major hospitals (Baptist, UMC and St. Dominic's Hospitals) and two major colleges (Millsaps College and Belhaven College)—they are good sources for jobs and are close enough that one can walk to work. We are also very close to the interstate, and don't forget that because of our past reputation and the landlords, our homes are a bit more affordable than some of the comparable areas around like the Belhaven area and the Fondren area."

Burkes says of crime in the area, "It varies now. The noise of the neighborhood has gotten much better, but some of the crime is still there. There will always be drugs here to some extent." In North Midtown there have been nine total crimes since the beginning of October. Seven of these crimes were crimes of property theft and the other two were violent crimes: an aggravated assault and a rape. Midtown is located in Precinct 4, headquartered at 3304 State Street. Most of the crimes in North Midtown are auto burglary. Burkes' comments are consistent with this. He says: "The majority of our problems are car break-ins and auto theft. There are not many home break-ins here. The perception of crime here is a little higher than reality."

What Do the Kids Do?

North Midtown is so densely populated with families that one can't help but wonder what all the kids in the neighborhood do. M.C. Burkes answers this well: "They mostly hang out in the streets and in the parks. They play basketball and kickball after school and on the weekends. However, it troubles me with them in the streets. We need a center for them. We need to have something positive for the children to engage in."

The two parks Burkes is referring to are Benjamin Bryant Park and Wightman Park. Wightman Park has been the talk of the neighborhood lately because North Midtown CDC raised funds to renovate it. "It was lying dormant before, with just some patches of grass and asphalt," Burkes says. "The basketball goal was 11 feet tall back then. Now after the renovation and the addition of the playground, the pavilion and the new basketball goals, it is buzzing with activities on the weekend. You see family reunions and picnics there all the time. It is definitely being utilized now."

Dorothy Jones remembers during the 1960s when Wightman Park was just a big, tall grass field on Livingston: "I just get so happy when I think about all the children that are playing there now. I remember when I was a little girl, and on the second day of school I was playing over there with all my brothers. I was running real hard when I cut my foot on a piece of glass. My mama said, 'I told you not to be playin' in that field with those boys.' So she wrapped a piece of red meat up in a white rag soaked in turpentine and put it on my foot. Then she said, 'A ha, get your bad ass back out there now."

When Dorothy Jones reminisces about all the ups and downs of her life in Midtown, I can't help but listen attentively. Ms. Jones truly has nothing less than a home for her heart, a tomb for her troubles and a spark for her soul in North Midtown.

An Artistic Integration

Andy Young, the owner and artist of Pearl River Glass Studio at 142 Millsaps Ave., comments about the Millsaps Arts District and how the street artistically integrated itself into Midtown. His was the first studio to move there in 1976, and then in 1980 Susan Ford bought a studio on Wilson Street around the corner. He then recalls, "In the mid-80s Debra and Chip Billups formed the 121 Millsaps Corporation and bought four buildings to renovate and rent out as artists' studios. That really pushed the district over the edge."

Debra Billups was also the woman that lobbied the city to name Millsaps Avenue as the Arts District. This led to the inclusion of many new, wonderful local artists, such as Chris Porter, Susan Ford and Gretchen Haines.

"The creation of such an area has led to wonderful collaborations," says Young. "For example it has given me a chance to work together with Ed Millet on a commissioned work. He did the metal work, and I did the glass work."

Unfortunately, the Arts District has never reached the point where it is massive enough to attract restaurants and the like. It's always been kind of struggling. However, Young says, "Recently, a medical company that makes prosthetic body parts bought the old Mori Luggage Warehouse on the corner of McTyere and Wilson St., and that says a lot for the area. It obviously has attracted some type of commercial activity, which has led to increasing all the property values around it."

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Movin to Midtown

I am excited to share some news with you about where God is leading me. I have been living as an intern at We Will Go for a little over 3 years. I remember when I first moved here thinking “what the heck am I doing!” and I anticipated that I would stay for no longer than 1 year. God has obviously changed my plans, and my heart, to align up with His desires and dreams for me.

About 2 years ago I started feeling a stir in my spirit for the area across Fortification, Midtown. I would go over and visit with some friends that lived on Keener Street, ride in the vans to pick up kids for our Sunday WOW kids service, and stop by Livingston Park to visit with some of the boys I knew. All the while, God was calling out others for this area too, and through some conversations, I began intentionally praying for Midtown and what role the Lord would have me play in His plan.

As time went on, I continued to pray, but nothing was really changing for me to move forward. I began to spend more time in the community by getting involved at Brown Elementary with some different things, met more people that live in the community, and started driving through and praying more. This only intensified my love for Midtown, as well as the burden for those that are living in darkness.

Early this year I knew that God was about to move me from just praying about it, to stepping out in faith to actually moving me there. Around April I was at a big block party that Millsaps was hosting for the Midtown community. I had taken several of the kids with me and as we were leaving, I walked out of the back entrance of the school, across West Street to where I had parked the car. The Lord stopped me right in the middle of West Street and gave me such a hard, but beautiful picture. I saw all of His children walking back into Midtown and He said to me “here are all of my children, walking across.” I literally stood in the middle of the street overwhelmed with the vision, as well as the confirmation that God was indeed calling me to this area.

Several months later, I started looking at houses in the area and after seeing one after another, I pulled up to 317 McTyere Street and my spirit man rose up from deep inside me and I knew that was the house God was going to give me. As I stood in the front yard looking at the house, I turned to my left and looked down the street – it was the very street that God had given me the vision of back in April!

The Lord started speaking to me about the number of the house, that it was not just some random number, but He was so strategic that He was placing me in that house, with that number, for a reason only He could craft and design. I started in the book of Genesis and was going to go through each book to pull out chapter 3, verse 17, to find out what His word said about it. It didn’t take long for me to discover what His promise for me, and His house was.

Joshua 3:17 “And there they stood; those priests carrying the Chest of the Covenant stood firmly planted on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan while all Israel crossed on dry ground. Finally the whole nation was across the Jordan, and not one wet foot.”

God gave me a passion in my heart for the area. God gave me a vision of His children walking across to something. God gave me a connection for the house He wants me to live in. God gave me His word to confirm and affirm His promise for me, and more importantly, for His children.

I carry the same presence of the living God deep inside myself that was in that chest. It is my responsibility to stand firm in the middle of that ground, carrying His presence, as He calls His children to himself and they walk across from darkness, despair, hopelessness, into love, hope, grace, mercy and freedom. There were over 2 million people that crossed the Jordan, and it took about 30 days for them to all get across. That means that the priest stood there, with their arms lifted above their heads, holding on to presence of God, until every single person made it across. I know they got tired, they wanted to quit, they wanted to sit down, give up – but they stood firm and God gave them the strength they needed to hold that ground.

God has given me a promise of his provision for every step of the way. I will be buying the house and restoring it to make it livable, as a house used for ministry, a place to love people and share the beauty of His word. My first step is simply to buy the house, which will cost around $12,000. It will take close to another $20,000 - $30,000 for the restoration. I get very overwhelmed when I think about those numbers, and the work ahead of me, but the Lord says “this is MY idea, not yours.”

I am fully trusting that He will provide for every step of the way. All He has asked of me is to say YES to every step.

Ways you can join me in praying:

Pray for me as I transition out of We Will Go and into Midtown. There are many fears the Lord is pulling out of me that I didn’t even know I had. It is not fear of men, or getting robbed, but fear of doing this alone, and fear of getting there and settling back into my own time and losing the intentionality that I am used to. I have been living in rich community and it will be a big adjustment to break away from that. While my We Will Go family will be close by and support me, I am walking into a new season on my own.

Pray for provision for the house. I would like to be living in His house by the end of the year. That seems impossible to me, but Joshua probably thought it was impossible to get 2 million people to the other side of an overflowed river too, and it only took 1 month!

Pray for Midtown. There is a lot going on in the community and I am excited about the honor to be a part of God’s plan for this area. I have been able to connect with so many people already, but there are so many more that God is preparing to hear His word and experience His love.

More stories to come of people experiencing the love of Jesus in Midtown....