Joshua 14
"So the land was distributed in strict accordance with the Lord's commands to Moses" 14:5
Joshua continued to follow the instructions from the Lord on dividing the land that had been conquered. He followed the Lord's commands precisely. He didn't "almost" do anything, he did everything exactly as he was told. When we think "almost" is close enough, we are really just following God's word until it gets hard, then we ignore the rest and completely miss the mark. God is looking for people, like Joshua, who obey AND follow through precisely.
Partial obedience is still disobedience.
"My companions who went with me discouraged the people, but I stuck to my guns, totally with God. That was the day Moses solemnly promised, 'The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance, you and your children's, forever. You have lived totally for God.' Now look at me: God has kept me a live, as he promised." 14:8-9
Caleb was faithful all his life. Remember - he was one of the first to cross the Jordan and scout out what was on the other side - he got to see the Promised Land before anyone else! Because he was chosen, faithful, honest, and committed, God promised him a personal inheritance of the land, even though he had to wait 45 years to receive it. During these 45 years, I wonder how many times he was tempted to stop believing and waiting for it. How many times he doubted that God would really fulfill that promise to him. How many times he wanted to go off and find his own land. But, he remained unwavering. He remained faithful to serve the Lord and wait on the promise. He remained solid, strong and secure in the heart of God.
"So Joshua blessed Caleb and gave to him his portion of the land." 14:13
This. Promise. Fulfilled. 45 years later.
Caleb knew it was worth waiting for, even though that wait was long and tiring and often so discouraging.
I have my own list of things the Lord has promised me, that I am waiting for.
I also have a list of things that he promised me, that He has already fulfilled.
No ear heard, no eye seen, a God like you
who works for those who wait for him.
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