Last night I had THREE things he taught me. Holy Moly. I was on life journal overload in a very short chapter. Philippians 2
4 "Each of you should look not only to your own interest, but also to the interest of others."
This was so convicting for me. During renewal last night I learned about a man in my church that passed away Monday. His picture was shown on the screen as our pastor told his God story. I had seen this man just about every Sunday holding the door open, greeting people. Honeslty, I judged this man on many occasions, without even ever knowing him. I sat and weeped when I heard how just 6 months ago he gave his life to Jesus and now he is in eternity where I long to be. It made me feel guilty that I never stopped and said something simple like "thank you for serving. for opening this door for me. for being a part of the same body that I am a part of." Thank you Jesus for letting me see and hear his story and this sweet word on the same night.
8 "...he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on the cross." That should get you just in itself. Crucifixion was the most degrading death that could be given to anyone. The most painful, the longest to endure. Jesus knew this. He knew the pain, the time he would hang there, the humiliation it would bring. And he still did it. for you. for me.
12 "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
I'm just gonna quote my commentary on this one. "Salvation is not merely a gift received once for all, it expresses itself in an ongoing process which the believer is strenuously involved.
I don't know about you, but to learn that much in one letter from Paul just kinda makes me dizzy. in a good way.
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