I don't understand Your ways
Oh but I will give You my song
Give You all of my praise
You hold on to all my pain
With it You are pulling me closer
And pulling me into Your ways
Now around every corner
And up every mountain
I'm not looking for crowns
Or the water from fountains
I'm desperate in seeking, frantic believing
That the sight of Your face
Is all that I need
I will say to You
It's gonna be worth it
It's gonna be worth it
It's gonna be worth it all
I believe this
It's gonna be worth it
It's gonna be worth it
It's gonna be worth it all
I believe this
You're gonna be worth it
You're gonna be worth it
You're gonna be worth it all
I believe this
You're gonna be worth it
You're gonna be worth it
You're gonna be worth it all
I believe this
Saturday, October 30, 2010
trip recap
it's always hard to come back to the comforts of the life I have here when I go to a third world country. this was the third time around for me. I'm still processing everything, but there are some things already made clear to me.
Being sick in Africa is not fun. The third day we were there I got hit with dysentery which then caused severe dehydration. Enough said about that.
Poverty here is nothing like the poverty there.
Each and every face in the world is created in His image, even if they don't beleive.
Satan revels in ruling hearts of man. I walked right through the walled up city where satan has captured thousands. BUT, even in the midst of such, Jesus is there. present. active. waiting.
There is much to be done. There is opportunity for everyone here to help. even if you don't ever set foot in this sun-scorched land. Don't sit back and shake your head at the sights, get up and ask what you can do to help.
I may have a child from this country one day.
Being on a plane for 18 hours causes intense feet swelling.
Being sick in Africa is not fun. The third day we were there I got hit with dysentery which then caused severe dehydration. Enough said about that.
Poverty here is nothing like the poverty there.
Each and every face in the world is created in His image, even if they don't beleive.
Satan revels in ruling hearts of man. I walked right through the walled up city where satan has captured thousands. BUT, even in the midst of such, Jesus is there. present. active. waiting.
There is much to be done. There is opportunity for everyone here to help. even if you don't ever set foot in this sun-scorched land. Don't sit back and shake your head at the sights, get up and ask what you can do to help.
I may have a child from this country one day.
Being on a plane for 18 hours causes intense feet swelling.
Monday, October 11, 2010
once was blind, now i see
I love a good sunset. Especially on the beach. I was driving yesterday and the sun was blinding me, in my attempt to block my eyes from it, I did what we all do when something is bright. I looked right into it. It took my breath away. I instantly pulled over and just happened to have my good camera with me. I got this fantastic shot.

Two things.
First - if you look at this, how can you not beleive in God?
Second - I didn't realize at the time that I was in a parking lot that has wire around the wall. It looks like I am behind a prison wall. I was. That was me. I was in prisoned with my own sin, my selfish heart, my old life. I saw the beauty of God, the amazing grace He had to offer me, the hope that He wanted to share with me, yet I stayed in my own prison for so long. I would look at that beautiful life that was on the outside and wanted to have it so bad, but the world told me so many different things that kept me behind that wall. I was enslaved to my own life, as a result of my own choices.
Oh, but freedom is so sweet. Precious grace and hope that awaited me were still there when I broke free. When my heart became captive to His love for me. Now I get to experience that beautiful sunset with a healthy heart and a mind consumed with for Him alone.

Two things.
First - if you look at this, how can you not beleive in God?
Second - I didn't realize at the time that I was in a parking lot that has wire around the wall. It looks like I am behind a prison wall. I was. That was me. I was in prisoned with my own sin, my selfish heart, my old life. I saw the beauty of God, the amazing grace He had to offer me, the hope that He wanted to share with me, yet I stayed in my own prison for so long. I would look at that beautiful life that was on the outside and wanted to have it so bad, but the world told me so many different things that kept me behind that wall. I was enslaved to my own life, as a result of my own choices.
Oh, but freedom is so sweet. Precious grace and hope that awaited me were still there when I broke free. When my heart became captive to His love for me. Now I get to experience that beautiful sunset with a healthy heart and a mind consumed with for Him alone.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
they comes in three's
I read the life journal every day (well, ok maybe there are a few days here and there where I miss) but I haven't mastered the art of doing the acutal journaling part. I read and then journal my own thoughts for the day or what I'm feeling or what God teaches me through it.
Last night I had THREE things he taught me. Holy Moly. I was on life journal overload in a very short chapter. Philippians 2
4 "Each of you should look not only to your own interest, but also to the interest of others."
This was so convicting for me. During renewal last night I learned about a man in my church that passed away Monday. His picture was shown on the screen as our pastor told his God story. I had seen this man just about every Sunday holding the door open, greeting people. Honeslty, I judged this man on many occasions, without even ever knowing him. I sat and weeped when I heard how just 6 months ago he gave his life to Jesus and now he is in eternity where I long to be. It made me feel guilty that I never stopped and said something simple like "thank you for serving. for opening this door for me. for being a part of the same body that I am a part of." Thank you Jesus for letting me see and hear his story and this sweet word on the same night.
8 "...he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on the cross." That should get you just in itself. Crucifixion was the most degrading death that could be given to anyone. The most painful, the longest to endure. Jesus knew this. He knew the pain, the time he would hang there, the humiliation it would bring. And he still did it. for you. for me.
12 "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
I'm just gonna quote my commentary on this one. "Salvation is not merely a gift received once for all, it expresses itself in an ongoing process which the believer is strenuously involved. the process of perserverance, humble service, spiritual growth and maturation. Fear and trembling not because of doubt or anxiety; rather the reference is to an active reverence and a singleness of purpose in repsonse to God's grace."
I don't know about you, but to learn that much in one letter from Paul just kinda makes me dizzy. in a good way.
Last night I had THREE things he taught me. Holy Moly. I was on life journal overload in a very short chapter. Philippians 2
4 "Each of you should look not only to your own interest, but also to the interest of others."
This was so convicting for me. During renewal last night I learned about a man in my church that passed away Monday. His picture was shown on the screen as our pastor told his God story. I had seen this man just about every Sunday holding the door open, greeting people. Honeslty, I judged this man on many occasions, without even ever knowing him. I sat and weeped when I heard how just 6 months ago he gave his life to Jesus and now he is in eternity where I long to be. It made me feel guilty that I never stopped and said something simple like "thank you for serving. for opening this door for me. for being a part of the same body that I am a part of." Thank you Jesus for letting me see and hear his story and this sweet word on the same night.
8 "...he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on the cross." That should get you just in itself. Crucifixion was the most degrading death that could be given to anyone. The most painful, the longest to endure. Jesus knew this. He knew the pain, the time he would hang there, the humiliation it would bring. And he still did it. for you. for me.
12 "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
I'm just gonna quote my commentary on this one. "Salvation is not merely a gift received once for all, it expresses itself in an ongoing process which the believer is strenuously involved.
I don't know about you, but to learn that much in one letter from Paul just kinda makes me dizzy. in a good way.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I started a Beth Moore study on the book of Revelation a few weeks ago. I have read through this book in my bible numerous times, but never have I had it explained to me like she is. It is making me stay up and think at night. It is challenging my core. It is giving me a whole new picture of who God is. Each week as we are going through the questions and scriptures, there is a time to reflect on any revelations God throws at you. This is week 4 and I'm just now havin one, but it was a good one.
I wouldn't call myself a diet coke "addict" but I was drinking more than one should. I was drinking coffee in the morning too. I craved diet coke. I loved the way it tasted. I felt almost releived when I got that first sip, especially out of a cold, cold can. BUT, I gave it all up in June. I started drinking Spark, and energy and mental focus drink, and quickly replaced my diet coke and coffee habit. It also helped me to crave and drink more water. Water is the best thing in the world to drink. Since June I have maybe had a total of 2 cups of coffee and 3 diet cokes, if that. Even when I do splurge and have one, I can hardly finish it. It doesn't even taste that good to me anymore. I can feel my body longing for the cleanliness and purity of water instead.
This morning I had this weird craving for a diet coke. I rarely even think about having one, but for some reason I could almost taste it. What I gave up a few months ago, I have learned how to live without. The more I am away from what was unhealthy for me, the less I craved it, but there are still times when I do have a desire for it.
Yet, the more I had the good stuff, the more of that I wanted. God knocked the breath out of me with this. "See, Jamie, I am the good. I am the purtiy for you. I am the clean and living water for you. I take those cravings for unhealthy things and replace them with the sweetness of my life in you. You don't need that stuff anymore. You have all you need in me."
and that my friends, is a revelation.
I wouldn't call myself a diet coke "addict" but I was drinking more than one should. I was drinking coffee in the morning too. I craved diet coke. I loved the way it tasted. I felt almost releived when I got that first sip, especially out of a cold, cold can. BUT, I gave it all up in June. I started drinking Spark, and energy and mental focus drink, and quickly replaced my diet coke and coffee habit. It also helped me to crave and drink more water. Water is the best thing in the world to drink. Since June I have maybe had a total of 2 cups of coffee and 3 diet cokes, if that. Even when I do splurge and have one, I can hardly finish it. It doesn't even taste that good to me anymore. I can feel my body longing for the cleanliness and purity of water instead.
This morning I had this weird craving for a diet coke. I rarely even think about having one, but for some reason I could almost taste it. What I gave up a few months ago, I have learned how to live without. The more I am away from what was unhealthy for me, the less I craved it, but there are still times when I do have a desire for it.
Yet, the more I had the good stuff, the more of that I wanted. God knocked the breath out of me with this. "See, Jamie, I am the good. I am the purtiy for you. I am the clean and living water for you. I take those cravings for unhealthy things and replace them with the sweetness of my life in you. You don't need that stuff anymore. You have all you need in me."
and that my friends, is a revelation.
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