after a new roof, after lots of demo, the next big thing to do on the house was get the foundation fixed.
When you walk in the front door, that is the first thing you notice - a big bulk of floor that is raised about 6 inches. Straight down the hall you can tell the house leans to the left. On the east side of the exterior, there is a noticeable section of brick that bulges out, and lots of cracks around the entire outside.
I had several different estimates, opinions, and suggestions from people on how to proceed with getting it all fixed. The cost ranged from $5,000 - $20,000. I just couldn't see spending that much money, and really didn't feel like it was going to be that much work.
Back on a day in January (Jan 12 to be exact), I sat down with my Bible, snuggled up with the Lord, and had a sweet time with him talking about this. Yes, Jesus loves us enough to sit down and talk about a house foundation.
He showed me so many times in the word what my foundation in him is. There were 19 scriptures he showed me, and I wrote them all down and began reading over them and praying these out loud everyday. For he is the only foundation I have, and without my foundation being solid, safe, secure and stable - I will surely crumble and crack and fall apart.
"For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid in Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 3:11
"I am laying in Zion a stone, a costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly places. He who believes in it will not be disturbed." Isaiah 28:16
"Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them may be compared to a wise man who built his house on a rock." Matthew 7:24
"For this is contained in scripture - behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious cornerstone, and he who believes in him will not be disappointed." 1 Peter 2:6
That one is my most favorite, because following the cornerstone is the royal priest. Last summer one of my amazing boys was at the house with me and we were talking about the truths that Jesus speaks over us. The Lord told me that "dude" was 1 Peter 2:9 - a royal priest. We talked about this and I wrote that truth for him and had him say it over himself. I continue to speak that over him, and on one of the demo days at the house where he was there helping, I happened to walk into the room with him and another person and he was telling this man about it - he said something like "yo, did you know i was a royal priest?" Months later he was still speaking that! Ya'll, what that did to my heart.....
I was given another name of someone to contact to have look at the house. He happens to be the same person who is working on foundation issues with 17 other houses in Midtown right now. At first he gave me similar estimates as the other few people, which was going to be quite extensive. The more we talked, and the more he realized that I just needed the house to be safe and wasn't looking for perfection, he showed me a simple fix that would take care of it.....and it will only cost $500!!!! I about fell through that floor when he said this.
The house will still have a slight lean to the left, there will still be a little bulge on the outside, and my coconut oil might all slide over to one side of the cooking pan on the stove, but after all, the house is almost 100 years old. More so, I know my foundation will be secure and safe and solid.
This is so much like my life with sweet Jesus. He is the only solid and secure thing I have in my life. I have imperfections, I have things that are obviously crooked, I am not always in alignment, but underneath all of that, Jesus holds me up safely and loves me still despite all of this. Those things in my life that are never going to be perfect - I value them so much, because it makes my heart rejoice in knowing that my sure foundation IS perfect.
And to make all of this so much more beautiful - I had the money to get this fixed, donated to me! My heart just can't take this most of the time. He always reminds me "I am not doing this for you, this is all about me."
and if you have never seen what a royal priest looks like, here you go.
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