Leaving Thursday, October 14 from Jackson and fly to Addis Ababa, Ethiopa (not sure where we fly through but most likely Frankfurt - which means 2 flights about 9 hours each). Once in Addis Ababa, we will drive about three hours towards Dire Dawa, probably where we will be staying, and we may go out into more rural areas at some point. Our first day will be a debriefing and strategy day to plan for the upcoming week. We know for sure that we will have 3 days of medical clinic and 1 day of feeding clinic (where we will assist in distributing food supplies). Any other time we have will be devoted to connecting with the people and doing "story-ing", which is where we will have the opportunity to share the gospel in a story format - similar to how you would share it with a child, and then who knows what will happen! If you have ever been on a mission trip, sometimes nothing you plan works and you just have to wing it! We will return to Jackson on Tuesday, October 26.
While the country of Ethiopia has a relatively high Christian population, the people groups in this area of the country where we are going to are Somalian Muslims. I had a great experience with this same people group when I was in Kenya two years ago, so it will be a treasure to connect with these people again (not the same ones, but the same culture). Despite the harsh idea that we (American/Christains) have of these people, they are a very sweet and kind group for the most part. There is opposition and resistance to Christians, and there is persecution, so we are praying that God will protect us and give us opportunity to share truth with them in a loving way.
Here is a link that has more information about the country and will give you a better idea of where we will be. Supposedly, I will be very close to the Ark of the Covenant - I'm still kinda confused on this so I've got to do some more research :)
I wish I could leave yesterday for this.
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