Tuesday, December 29, 2015

the year of miracles

In January of last year (well technically of this year, but since there are just 2 more days in this year, we will go ahead and call it, last year) I set out on a 90 day fast.  Fasting is my least favorite thing to do for Jesus, so when the Lord told me to go for that long, I knew there  were big things He wanted to teach me and show me.  There were some big questions I was asking the Lord, and there were some even bigger questions He was asking me. 

Some of my questions were:
How am I going to get this house finished?
How am I going to get this house finished?
How am I going to get this house finished?
How am I going to do this?
How am I going to do this?
How am I going to do this?

I set my feet down on January 1, 2015 believing for provisions - for completion - for the house - for more of the Lord so I can do this - for many salvations. 

As each demo day came (that I thought would never end), so did strategies from Jesus on how to use the house when it was finished.  It was really simple, Jesus said, "Live there, love there."  I saw a house full of kids…...eating dinner around the table, sitting at the kitchen counter doing homework, washing clothes, sleeping in the extra bedrooms, helping me work in the yard, learning how to be loved by Jesus.  That’s better than any strategy I could have created. 

Early in the spring, Jesus gave me the name for the house.  The Light House.  Here is the story as to how that happened - The Light House

The questions Jesus asked me during this fast were some hard ones. 

What are you contending for? 
What are you willing to do for breakthrough? 
What will you give up for me? 
What if…..it gets lonely, to hard, overwhelming, tiring, no one comes to help, etc….  That was the hardest one.

Then in the midst of these hard questions, Jesus said, “this is a year of miracles, just watch and see.” 
So that is how 2015 started…..

“You are THE God who performs miracles,
you display your power among the people.” 
Pslam 77:14

And how is it ending?  Well, the miracles abounded above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined or dreamed of.  So, so, so many people came to help.  People I had never met before, people who I don't know will ever understand how thankful and grateful and humbled I have been for everything you have done, given, and prayed with me for. If you are one of those people - THANK YOU!!!!!!  

It has been a hard year.  An inconvenient year.  A tiring year.  A busy year.  And just like the Lord said, a year of miracles. They continue to fall from his throne.  They continue to amaze me.  They continue to overwhelm me.  His love continues to change me.  

There is more, more, more, more.  Always more from Jesus. Always.

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