This summer it struck me....early 30's acne. I was at the beach for the week and woke up one morning and thought I had chicken pox. I don't know where it came from, how it got there, and why I had it, but I did. It was mid July, hot, humid, horrific. Over the next few days even more appeared. I looked something similar to a 15 year old boy. I doubled up on my face washing, backed off on my foundation, even tried the ole toothpaste trick. Nothing seemed to work or help.
In a desperate attempt to clear the problem, I ordered some products off tv (as I was up late, not sleeping because it had me so stressed out). I saw pictures of people that looked similar to how my "situation" was, become clear faced in a matter of weeks. I figured I had nothing to lose at this point.
The next week I received my package. A 4 step process, twice a day. I had not been so excited about starting anything since kindergarten. The first few days I couldn't really tell any difference, then the next week it started to change. When I realized that it was really working, the more I wanted to keep using it.
Fast forward 4 months down the road. I am still doing my twice a day treatment, every day. There are still a few little pesty things that come up every now and then, but for the most part my skin is back to normal and it keeps everything maintained, for now. I know in order to keep the healthy glow I have to keep the constant flow. Even if I miss one day, I can wake up the next and have a new friend. Welcome to getting old.
Psalm 51:7 "Soak me in your laundry and I'll come out clean. Scrub me and I'll have a snow white life."
My mid 30's acne was a similarity to my daily trust in Jesus. I woke up one day and found myself all out of whack. Where did all this gunk come from? How did I get so covered in gross stuff? What am I going to do about it?
Well, I tell you what I did - I got the best thing I could find, what seemed to work for others in the same situation, committed to a daily regimin and never looked back. JESUS. Those days I wafer, I feel it, I see it, I know it. blessed that I can get back on track any time, every time.
so, so, so very thankful for grace that covers all.
one day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship
beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches.
clearer face. clearer mind. cleaner heart.